A Conceptual Framework for Value Co-creation in an Innovation Ecosystem: The Case of Technology-based Collaboration Network

  • Han, Eunjung (Co-creation Innovation Center, Dong-a University) ;
  • Hong, Soon-Goo (Department of Management Information Systems, Dong-a University)
  • 투고 : 2017.06.08
  • 심사 : 2017.08.22
  • 발행 : 2017.08.31


Innovation Cosystems are Conceptualized as Organizational Networks of Economic Actors, Technologies and Social Contexts that Interact for Knowledge Production, use, and Adaptation. This Paper Proposed a Conceptual Framework to Describe Value Co-creation of Organizational Networks Engaged in Technology Innovation. We Adopted Theory-Based Approach by Integrating the Perspective of Service-Dominant (S-D) Logic Into the Evolutionary Model of the Triple Helix. The Framework Gives a Plausible Explanation on how Actors Collaborate to Create Value in Dynamic Contexts of an Innovation Ecosystem. The Innovation Ecosystem can be Considered as a Composite of Sub-Ecosystems, Including Knowledge, Sectoral, and Business Ecosystems. When these Sub-Ecosystems are Recursively Transformed by Coordination of Functional Mechanisms that Serve Value Co-creation in the Innovation Process, the Innovation Ecosystem will be Re-Organized and Evolve. The case of the Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) was Examined to Demonstrate the Fundamental Mechanisms for Value Co-creation that was Described in the Framework. The case Study Indicates Features of Value Co-creation when Implementing Innovation in Organizational Networks.



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