Stress and Well-Being in Mothers of Children with Diabetes Mellitus : The Mediating or Moderating Effect of Optimism

당뇨아동 어머니의 스트레스와 안녕감의 관계에 미치는 낙관성의 매개 및 조절효과

  • Received : 2017.06.27
  • Accepted : 2017.07.27
  • Published : 2017.08.31


Purpose: Optimism is an important psychological variable that functions positively in stress adaptation process. The purpose of this study was to identify either a mediating or moderating effect of optimism in the relationship between stress and well-being among mothers of children with diabetes mellitus. Methods: A sample of 109 mothers of children with diabetes mellitus was recruited in a tertiary hospital in B city and they completed self-reported questionnaires. Multiple regression analysis models were used to test the mediating and moderating effects of optimism in the relationship between stress and well-being. Results: The results of the multiple and hierarchical regression analysis showed that the role of optimism was examined a partial mediator of the relation between stress and well-being, not a moderator. Increased stress was associated with decreasing optimism and well-being, and increased optimism predicted increased well-being among mothers of children with diabetes mellitus. Conclusion: Optimism is more likely to play a role as mediator, rather than as a moderator. This finding suggests the importance of optimism in improving the well-being of mothers of children with diabetes mellitus.



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