Inquiry-Based Learning of Circumcenter Using Teaching Tools

교구를 활용한 탐구기반 외심 학습

  • Received : 2017.04.24
  • Accepted : 2017.06.30
  • Published : 2017.08.31


The purpose of this study is to analyze middle school students' learning characteristics they showed on the inquiry-based learning process of circumcenter using various teaching tools, and then to identify the effects of using teaching tools in the middle school students' learning process of circumcenter. For this purpose, we developed teaching materials for inquiry-based learning of circumcenter using textbook, origami, ruler and compass, GeoGebra and sand experiment. Then we applied them on the learning process of circumcenter for five groups of middle school students. From the analyzing of audio/video materials and documents which are collected from the process of participants' inquiry-based learning of circumcenter, we identified the following results. First, inquiry-based learning of circumcenter using various teaching tools promoted mathematical discourses among participants of this study. For example, they conjectured mathematical properties or justified their opinions after manipulated teaching tools in the process of learning circumcenter. Second, inquiry-based learning of circumcenter using various teaching tools promoted participants' divergent thinking. They tried many inquiry methods to find new mathematical properties relate to circumcenter. For example, they tried many inquiry methods to know whether there is unique circle containing four vertices of given quadrangles. Third, we found several didactic implications relate to inquiry-based learning of circumcenter using various teaching tools which are due to characteristics of teaching tools themselves. Participants showed several misconceptions about mathematical properties during they participated inquiry-based activity for learning of circumcenter using various teaching tools. We identified their misconceptions were not due to any other variables containing their learning characteristics but to characteristics of teaching tools.



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