한국산 얼록동사리(Odontobutis interrupta) 자치어의 골격발달

Early Osteological Development of Larvae and Juveniles in the Korean Spotted Sleeper Odontobutis interrupta from Korea

  • 박재민 (경상북도 토속어류산업화센터) ;
  • 한지형 (전남대학교 해양기술학부) ;
  • 윤성민 (경상북도 민물고기연구센터) ;
  • 한경호 (전남대학교 해양기술학부)
  • Park, Jae Min (Gyeongsangbuk-Do Native Fish Business Center) ;
  • Han, Ji Hyeong (Marine Technology Undergraduate, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Yun, Seong Min (Gyeongsangbuk-Do Research Center for Freshwater Fishes) ;
  • Han, Kyeong Ho (Marine Technology Undergraduate, Chonnam National University)
  • 투고 : 2017.05.29
  • 심사 : 2017.07.06
  • 발행 : 2017.08.31


We observed the osteological development in larvae and juveniles of Korean spotted sleeper Odontobutis interrupta bred in the laboratory in April 2014. Immediately after hatching, the prelarvae, which were about 4.27 mm long, showed ossification of the premaxillary bones in the upper jaw and the dentary and articular bones in the lower jaw. At 7.11 mm, the larvae showed complete fusion of the post-cleithra and ossification of the scapulae with the appearance of one hole. At 8.65 mm, the larvae showed ossification of seven ribs from the third abdominal vertebra and an increase in the length of the neural spine and hemal spine. The number of caudal fin rays increased to 19. At 11.9 mm, the juveniles showed ossification of three procurrent rays on the side of the parhypural bone as well as ossification of two procurrent rays on the side of the epural bone, indicating the complete ossification of all spicules.



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