Effects of Korean Medicine Music Therapy on Anxiety, Anger Expression, and Concentration of Smart phone Addicted Adolescents

한방음악치료가 스마트폰 중독 청소년의 불안과 분노표현 및 주의집중력 향상에 미치는 영향

  • Lee, Mi-hee (Korean Medicine Music Therapy Center of Four Seasons Korean Medicine Clinic) ;
  • Lee, Seung-hyun (Korean Medicine Music Therapy Center of Four Seasons Korean Medicine Clinic)
  • 이미희 (사계절한의원 한방음악치료센터) ;
  • 이승현 (사계절한의원 한방음악치료센터)
  • Received : 2017.07.21
  • Accepted : 2017.08.17
  • Published : 2017.08.25


Objectives : As of 2013, South Korea ranked number one in the world in smartphone penetration rate with 67.6%. Unfortunately, with the rise of smart phone use, side effects such as fraud, loss of personal information, identity theft, formation and widening of a mobile information gap, and last, but not least, smart phone addiction, also increased. Methods : Seventh (7th)graders from a girls' junior high school in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, we reevaluated the Smart phone Addiction Proneness Scale (S-scale). Among the 9 students classified as high risk users, 5 were randomly selected for a study group, and the remaining 4 students, meanwhile, were designated as a control group. The study group received Korean medicine music therapy (KMMT) in a total of 8 sessions, each session lasting 50 minutes. Both pre- and post-interventions, the two groups completed the S-scale, Harris and Harris' concentration grid exercise, STAI, and STAXI-K. We analyzed the data by t-test and paired t-test using IBM SPSS Statistics. Results : KMMT had a significant influence on proneness to smart phone addiction (t=3.130, p=.035). KMMT had positive effects on concentration improvement (t=-2.935, p=.043), trait-anxiety symptoms improvement (t=2,992, p=.040), and anger-expression control (t=4.416, p=.012). Conclusions : KMMT had positive, improving effects on trait anxiety and anger expression, which in turn enhanced the improvement of concentration as well as the decrease of smart phone-addiction proneness.



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  1. 음악중재가 인터넷 중독 청소년의 심리·정서 반응에 미치는 영향에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰 vol.16, pp.2, 2019,