A Study on Family line of Yoondongri(尹東里) and Ungiyeonron(運氣衍論) in Chochangkyeul(草窓訣)

윤동리(尹東里)의 가계(家系)와 『초창결(草窓訣)』 중(中) 「운기연론(運氣衍論)」에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Yun, Chang-Yeol (Dept. of Medical Classics, College of Korean Medicine, Deajeon University)
  • 윤창열 (대전대학교 한의과대학 원전학교실)
  • Received : 2017.07.14
  • Accepted : 2017.08.17
  • Published : 2017.08.25


Objectives : Yoondongri is a famous Korean medical doctor in the 18th century. He wrote Chochangkyeul, a special medical book which records his treatment based on the theory of Ungi. Nevertheless, his life and his book have not received due research it deserves. Methods : The paper studied the family tree as revealed in the Papyeong Yoon clan and Chochangkyeul. Further study was done on Yoon's medical theories and clinical features as discovered in Chochangkyeul and Ungiyeonron. Results & Conclusions : Very little is known about Yoondongri other than that he is the 27th generation from the progenitor of the Yoon clan of Papyeong Yoon clan, and that he is the great grandchild of Choongheon-gong Yoon Jeon. One of the important elements of his Ungi theory is Owoon Habgi, which illustrates the integration of Gabsin, Muui, Byeonggye, Gyungjeong, and Yimgi, thereby forming one Ilki. Ilki signifies that mechanisms of disease are inter-connected and one in essence. As the core of his clinical practice, he explains the 25 different types of diseases that can afflict those who are born in the years Gabsin, Muui, Byeongye, Gyungjeong, and Yimgi when they are met with their corresponding year. Yoon described for each script the mechanism of disease, symptom, treatment, and prescription, all of which showcases his status as a great clinical practitioner. His application of Ungi theory is uncomplicated and accessible. His method was also highly effective, the likes of which were unseen even in China and Japan. His prescriptions are mainly based on the Ungi treatment found in Jinmutaek's Saminang, and on Donguibogam.



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