Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Construction and Agriculture: Uses, Benefits, Challenges, and Why Companies Choose to Invest

  • Pecoraro, James (Tangipahoa Parish Government Permit Office) ;
  • Harper, Christofer (Bert S. Turner Department of Construction Management, Louisiana State University) ;
  • Wang, Chao (Bert S. Turner Department of Construction Management, Louisiana State University)
  • Published : 2017.06.01


The use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) in the construction and agriculture industries continues to gain in popularity and use. Firms within these industries have begun to utilize UASs to perform many of the traditional processes and procedures, which can result in a reduction in total work force and costs needed for a task. However, as with any technology, there is a learning curve and UASs do change the way certain activities are completed. Due to this, there exist firms and individuals that have not or are not willing to invest in UASs yet. The objective of this study is to explore the applications of UASs in construction and agricultural industries to discuss the benefits, challenges, and reasons of investing in UASs. This paper conducted an in-depth literature review of current topics on UASs in construction and agriculture. Additionally, six expert interviews were conducted with individuals from construction and agricultural industries in the southeastern United States. Ultimately, this study successfully found several benefits and challenges to using UASs and discussed the reasons that some firms invest in UASs while other still do not.



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