Effect of Oxidation on the Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Z3CN20.09M Duplex Stainless Steel in High Temperature Water

  • Wu, Huan Chun (State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing) ;
  • Yang, Bin (State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing) ;
  • Chen, Yue Feng (Collaborative Innovation Center of Steel Technology) ;
  • Chen, Xu Dong (Collaborative Innovation Center of Steel Technology)
  • Received : 2016.06.09
  • Accepted : 2016.12.25
  • Published : 2017.08.25


The fatigue crack propagation behaviors of Z3CN20.09M duplex stainless steel (DSS) were investigated by studying oxide films of specimens tested in $290^{\circ}C$ water and air. The results indicate that a full oxide film that consisted of oxides and hydroxides was formed in $290^{\circ}C$ water. By contrast, only a half-baked oxide film consisting of oxides was formed in $290^{\circ}C$ air. Both environments are able to deteriorate the elastic modulus and hardness of the oxide films, especially the $290^{\circ}C$ water. The fatigue lives of the specimens tested in $290^{\circ}C$ air were about twice of those tested in $290^{\circ}C$ water at all strain amplitudes. Moreover, the crack propagation rates of the specimen tested in $290^{\circ}C$ water were confirmed to be faster than those tested in $290^{\circ}C$ air, which was thought to be due to the deteriorative strength of the oxide films induced by the mutual promotion of oxidation and crack propagation at the crack tip. It is noteworthy that the crack propagation can be postponed by the ferrite phase in the DSS, especially when the specimens were tested in $290^{\circ}C$ water.



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