Effect of Kinetic Parameters on Simultaneous Ramp Reactivity Insertion Plus Beam Tube Flooding Accident in a Typical Low Enriched U3Si2-Al Fuel-Based Material Testing Reactor-Type Research Reactor

  • Nasir, Rubina (Department of Physics, Air University) ;
  • Mirza, Sikander M. (Department of Physics & Applied Mathematics, Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences) ;
  • Mirza, Nasir M. (Department of Physics & Applied Mathematics, Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences)
  • Received : 2016.08.22
  • Accepted : 2016.12.20
  • Published : 2017.08.25


This work looks at the effect of changes in kinetic parameters on simultaneous reactivity insertions and beam tube flooding in a typical material testing reactor-type research reactor with low enriched high density ($U_3Si_2-Al$) fuel. Using a modified PARET code, various ramp reactivity insertions (from $0.1/0.5 s to $1.3/0.5 s) plus beam tube flooding ($0.5/0.25 s) accidents under uncontrolled conditions were analyzed to find their effects on peak power, net reactivity, and temperature. Then, the effects of changes in kinetic parameters including the Doppler coefficient, prompt neutron lifetime, and delayed neutron fractions on simultaneous reactivity insertion and beam tube flooding accidents were analyzed. Results show that the power peak values are significantly sensitive to the Doppler coefficient of the system in coupled accidents. The material testing reactor-type system under such a coupled accident is not very sensitive to changes in the prompt neutron life time; the core under such a coupled transient is not very sensitive to changes in the effective delayed neutron fraction.



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