The Characteristics and Fluctuations of the Korean New Small Religious Organizations in the Japanese Colonial Rules -the Review of 'Joseon's Pseudo Religion'(Murayama Jijun, 1935')-

식민지시대 한국 '신종교' 단체의 동향과 특징 -『조선(朝鮮)の유사종교(類似宗敎)』(촌산지순(村山智順), 1935)의 재검토를 중심으로-

  • Received : 2017.06.07
  • Accepted : 2017.06.16
  • Published : 2017.06.30


The map where so-called 'New Religion' of Korea in the Colonial Era is entangled with 'Religion (Christianity, Buddhism, Shindo)' recognized by the Japanese Government General of Korea and nationalism. Accordingly positive research on how religious ideal and ideology in 'New Religion' in Korea was practically applied and practiced in the society is a crucial task. Meanwhile there is survey data representing the status in the long term from 1860s to early 1930s in regard to 'New Religion' of Korea in the Colonial Era. In other words it is 'Pseudo Religion in Joseon' by Murayama Jijun published in 1935. Most part of them are shown through statistics data. In particular he took a look at the distribution of 'Pseudo Religion', ups and downs of religious influence, faith consciousness, its impact and religious ideological movement and social movement. Therefore, if this statistical data could be utilized through quellenkritik, it is thought to have value of significant reference in research on Korea's 'New Religion'. This paper utilizes many statistics included in the survey data among critical review on recognition in Murayama's 'New Religion in Korea' as basic texts. During the procedure this paper seeks to look at the geology of Korean 'New Religion' and attempts basic consideration in the quantitative term related to trend and ups and downs of the groups. Through this basic research I hope that 'public concern of New Religion' in modern Korea and research on re-establishment will move forward.



이 논문은 2016년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행 된 연구임(NRF-과제번호)(NRF-2016S1A5B8914400).