Formulation of an alternate concrete mix for concrete filled GFRG panels

  • Nandan, Nithya (Department of Civil Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering) ;
  • Renjith, R. (Department of Civil Engineering, Sree Buddha College of Engineering)
  • Received : 2016.08.10
  • Accepted : 2016.12.26
  • Published : 2017.07.25


Glass fiber reinforced gypsum panels (GFRG) are hollow panels made from modified gypsum plaster and reinforced with chopped glass fibers. The hollow cores of panels can be filled with in-situ concrete/reinforced concrete or insulation material to increase the structural strength or the thermal insulation, respectively. GFRG panels are unfilled when used as partition walls. As load bearing walls, the panels are filled with M 20 grade concrete (reinforced concrete filling) in order to resist the gravity and lateral loads. The study was conducted in two stages: First stage involves formulation of the alternate light weight mix by conducting experimental investigations to obtain the optimum combination of phosphogypsum and shredded thermocol. In the second stage the alternate mixes are filled in GFRG panels and experimental investigations are conducted to compare the performance against panels filled with conventional M 20 mix.



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