Korean Nursing Students' Experience of Ego Identity Development

간호대학생의 자아정체감 발달 경험

  • Koo, Hyun Young (College of Nursing, Daegu Catholic University, Research Institute of Nursing Science)
  • 구현영 (대구가톨릭대학교 간호대학.간호과학연구소)
  • Received : 2017.04.20
  • Accepted : 2017.07.12
  • Published : 2017.07.31


Purpose: This study was done to explore the experiences of ego identity development in Korean nursing students. Methods: Data were collected from 16 nursing students through in-depth interviews. The main question was, "Could you tell me your experience of developing an ego identity?" Data were analyzed using Strauss and Corbin's grounded theory methodology. Results: The core category of the experiences of ego identity development in Korean nursing students was 'trying to be a different new person'. Action/interaction strategies were 'solving the problem using experiences', 'making one's own success story', and 'making harmony with others'. Consequences were 'being sure of oneself as a new person'. Conclusion: Korean nursing students tried to use their experiences, achieve success, and harmonize with others. Their efforts were influenced by conflicts and supports of people around. Therefore, nurse educators should understand contextual and intervening conditions of nursing students, and try to help them achieve ego identities.



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Cited by

  1. 대학생의 부모-자녀 관계 발달 경험 vol.24, pp.4, 2017,