IP-10 Expression in Patients with Chronic HBV Infection and Its Ability to Predict the Decrease in HBsAg Levels after Treatment with Entecavir

  • Zhao, Kai (Institute of Immunology, Taishan Medical University) ;
  • Yang, Tao (Research Centre for Biological Therapy, Institute of Translational Hepatology) ;
  • Sun, Mimi (Department of Liver Disease, the 88th Hospital of PLA) ;
  • Zhang, Wei (Department of Liver Disease, the 88th Hospital of PLA) ;
  • An, Yong (Department of Liver Disease, the 88th Hospital of PLA) ;
  • Chen, Gang (Department of Liver Disease, the 88th Hospital of PLA) ;
  • Jin, Lei (Research Centre for Biological Therapy, Institute of Translational Hepatology) ;
  • Shang, Qinghua (Department of Liver Disease, the 88th Hospital of PLA) ;
  • Song, Wengang (Institute of Immunology, Taishan Medical University)
  • 투고 : 2017.03.23
  • 심사 : 2017.05.11
  • 발행 : 2017.06.30


Interferon-${\gamma}$-inducible protein 10 (IP-10), also known as chemokine C-X-C motif ligand (CXCL) 10, is closely associated with antiviral immunity and the progression of chronic hepatitis B (CHB). However, the value of baseline serological and histological IP-10 expression levels in predicting the efficacy of the antiviral response to nucleoside/nucleotide analogues (NAs) is still unknown. In our research, intrahepatic and peripheral IP-10 expression levels were systemically examined before and after treatment with entecavir (ETV). Baseline serological and histological IP-10 expression levels were significantly increased in patients with CHB, particularly in patients with higher degrees of liver inflammation and liver fibrosis. Moreover, higher baseline intrahepatic IP-10 levels indicated better prognoses in patients with CHB after entecavir therapy. The baseline IP-10 level was also positively associated with several clinical parameters, including baseline levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA, and hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), and with the decrease in HBsAg levels after treatment. In addition, monocyte-derived IP-10 was expressed at higher levels in patients with CHB than in patients with liver cirrhosis (LC) and healthy controls (HC). According to the results of our in vitro experiments, IP-10 directly promoted hepatocyte apoptosis. Based on these findings, baseline serological and histological IP-10 levels might predict CHB severity and the decrease in HBsAg levels after entecavir therapy.



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