리그닌/PVA 나노섬유 웹의 수분 특성 및 생분해성 평가

Water Absorption Properties and Biodegradability of Lignin/PVA Nanofibrous Webs

  • 투고 : 2017.03.21
  • 심사 : 2017.04.26
  • 발행 : 2017.06.30


The biodegradation and water absorption properties of lignin/poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) nanofibrous webs are investigated. Lignin/PVA nanofibrous webs containing 0, 50, and 85wt% of lignin were prepared via an electrospinning process to observe the effect of the lignin concentration on the biodegradability and water absorption properties of lignin/PVA nanofibrous webs. The morphology of the materials was examined by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). To understand the wetting behavior and hydrophilic nature of the electrospun lignin/PVA nanofibrous webs, the water absorbency, contact angle, and water uptake were examined. The enzymatic degradation of lignin/PVA nanofibrous webs was investigated using laccase by measuring total organic carbon (TOC) concentration over a course of 50 days. Water drops were absorbed immediately into all of the specimens. The water uptake of lignin/PVA nanofibrous webs increased as the amount of PVA in the lignin/PVA hybrid webs increased. The enzymatic degradation experiment indicated that the inherent biodegradability of lignin was retained after its transformation into nanofibers. Our findings imply that blending these two types of polymers is promising because it can lead to the development of a new range of multifunctional materials such as antimicrobial absorbent nanotextiles based on sustainable biopolymers.



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