Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Contexts
- Volume 7 Issue 1
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- Pages.1-13
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- 2017
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- 2288-601X(pISSN)
Teaching Indigenous Students With Developmental Disabilities: Embedding the Cultural Practices of Dance, Movement, and Music in Pedagogy
- Jegatheesan, Brinda (University of Washington) ;
- Ornelles, Cecily (University of Hawai'i at Manoa) ;
- Sheehey, Patricia (University of Hawai'i at Manoa) ;
- Elliot, Emma (University of Washington)
- Received : 2016.03.01
- Accepted : 2016.12.06
- Published : 2017.02.28
The rich cultural backgrounds and practices of children from native cultures are often absent in classroom instruction, as teachers might feel that they have inadequate knowledge and backgrounds in the unique practices of these populations. Historically, children from native cultures have had challenging educational experiences and poor educational outcomes. To address these challenges, we propose a Family and Culture Based (FCB) framework that draws from family-centered practice, asset-based practice, and culturally responsive pedagogy. This article describes the three steps of the FCB framework, which uses a teacher-as-learner approach to instruct students from native cultures by engaging teachers in reflection, gaining knowledge about the cultural practices of the family and community, and integrating the new knowledge into practice. We use a Pacific Islands case (Native Hawaiian family) and a Pacific Northwest case (First Nations family) to illustrate the potential benefits of using the FCB framework with indigenous students.