퍼소나 기반 시나리오 방법론을 적용한 주택에서의 노인 행위 시나리오 개발

Developing Scenario for Elderly Residents' Behaviors at Home Using Persona-based Scenario Method

  • 투고 : 2017.05.02
  • 심사 : 2017.05.16
  • 발행 : 2017.06.25


An analysis of elderly behavior at home needs to be meticulously understood in order to build a spatial environment where the elderly can live safe and independent lives. To this end, the following study analyzed elderly behavior that occurs in the home, constructed personas, and developed persona-based scenarios of elderly behavior at home. Persona was composed of behavioral characteristics, spatial characteristics, and personal characteristics (gender, age, disease etc) that have a direct effect on living activities in the home, so it was intended to express a more real persona. The study developed six personas based on the behavioral and mobility characteristics of the elderly, and scenarios for each persona developed bsed on the following eight behaviors: toilet use, bating/Shower, washing and grooming, having meal, sleeping, dressing/undressing, laundering clothes, and getting out of home). Through this, the study determined the characteristics and difficulty level of various sub-behaviors and actions that occur in elderly behaviors at home. It also determined characteristics related to the use of physical elements such as equipment and furniture that are a part of those sub-behaviors. The behavior scenarios developed in this study can be utilized to understand the difficulties involved in elderly behavior, and to present a spatial plan and remodeling direction that alleviates such difficulties. This study is also significant that it investigates the applicability of persona-based scenario method on residential architecture.



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