The Effect of Self-Identity on Smart phone Addiction

  • 투고 : 2017.03.25
  • 심사 : 2017.04.18
  • 발행 : 2017.06.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-identity and smart phone addiction among University students. This study used descriptive cross sectional study to analyze the relationship between self-identity and smart phone addiction. Study participants included 357 University students located in C province who selected through volunteered, but 10 missing data were excluded and finally 347 participants completed the study. The study data were collected using self-identity tool made by Park A chung in 1996 which was composed of Independence, Proprioception, Future conviction, Goal orientation, Initiate, and Intimacy and Smart phone addiction tool made by National information society agency. The self-identity's Cronbach's alpha was .937 and Smart phone was .670. All data analyses were performed using SPSS 18.0. Results showed that most students were not addicted(97.1%) in Smart phone using and middle level(73.2%) of self identity. Also, there was a difference in self - identity level according to gender and grade(the ratio of smart phone general users, not at all addicted, was 90.79% for males and 98.53% for females), and there was difference in Smart phone addiction level according to gender and residence type(the ratio of Smart phone general users, not at all addicted, is 99.32% for commute, 97.04% for dormitory, and 89.66% for self governing). Also there were strongly related with self-identity and Smart phone addiction(p < .001). This results reveled that self-identity affect to Smart phone addiction, therefore it is important to raise self-identity to prevent Smart phone addiction for University students.



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