여성 베이비부머세대의 직업훈련학습과 취업동아리 경험에 관한 내러티브 연구

Narrative Study on Job Training Education and Job Club Experience of Female Baby-Boomer Generation

  • 투고 : 2017.03.27
  • 심사 : 2017.05.04
  • 발행 : 2017.06.30


This study performed a qualitative research on the transformative learning cases in vocational education for female baby-boom generation. The baby-boom generation that recently starts retirement is participating in vocational education for their re-employment. Even though their first goal of education was to find a job, they experienced in finding themselves through the actual education. Especially, female baby-boom generation learners were finding their own identity as an entity of social participation, getting out of the existing identity as wife, mother, and housewife. Such a learning experience was the process of recovering themselves, and in this process, new meanings of life were formed. In the results of the study, first, the learning experience in vocational education was the transformative learning to find themselves. They newly created themselves by critically introspecting their negative experience and perception of themselves, and then rearranging/cognizing the accumulated experiences. Second, the immersion in the transitional process to learner increased the motivation for learning and also drew learning about learning. Especially, they reinterpreted their educational methods and contents based on their learning experience in the vocational activity. Through the process, they learnt their past learning experience again. Third, the educational volunteer activity through learning club was a place for study to practice learning. Through this, the research participants realized that theories could not be separated from practice.



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