Objectives: This study aimed to analyze sexual experience rates according to socio-demographic factors, health behavioral factors, and internet use time, and to identify sex experience related factors in high school students using the data from the 11th Korean Youth Health Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey. Methods: A total of 33,744 students (17,346 boys and 16,398 girls) in high schools were analyzed using the SPSS WIN version 22 program. SPSS complex samples methods were used for analyses. Socio-demographic factors, health behavioral factors, and internet use time as independents variables were included. The complex samples logistic regression analyses were used to calculate the odds ratio of the sexual experience according to the socio-demographic factors, health behavioral factors and internet use time. Unweighted frequencies and percentages were represented in result tables. Results: 3.6% of girls and 9.9% of boys in high school had sexual experiences. Daily average smoking amount and daily alcohol drinking amount were a dose-response relationship with sexual experience after considering confounding factors. Students who smoke 10-19 cigarettes had 5.74 times higher risk and 20 cigarettes or more had 7.27 times higher risk of sexual experiences, comparing with non-smoking students, relatively. Likewise, students who drink soju less than 1-2 bottles and more than 2 bottles had 3.82- and 4.35 times higher chance of sexual experiences, compared with non drinking students, respectively. Conclusions: We found that there were the dose-response relationship between health behavioral characteristics and sexual experiences. Further research is needed to identify an interaction effect between smoking and drinking alcohol on sexual experiences in high school students.