B2C 전자상거래 분쟁예방을 위한 소비자보호시스템 연구

A study on a consumer protection system to prevent B2C electronic commerce disputes

  • 투고 : 2017.04.30
  • 심사 : 2017.05.26
  • 발행 : 2017.06.01


In the process of online trading, many unexpected conflicts may occur. The consumer wishes to perform transactions with a seller by trusting the seller's listings, but there are times when even major companies such as Kakao edit their original listings. When the seller edits their listing, it is extremely difficult for the consumer to prove and deal with the problem. If they don't deal with them carefully they may be accused of denigration. This study proposes a consumer protection system to resolve this problem. In case a problem occurs, proof that the original listing was edited can be submitted to a judge in court by using this system, thus preventing these types of problems from happening. If this system is installed, both the seller and consumer know that the terms of contract cannot be falsely changed to the advantage of either side, so the source of the problem can be prevented. This study analyzes the reasons behind the conflicts and presents a systematic way of preventing the problem. This method does not present a financial burden, and provides a way for transactions to be held based on trust for the seller and consumer.



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