Effects of HACCP System Implementation on Advantage and Disadvantage and Mortality Number of Swine Farms in Korea

HACCP시스템 적용이 양돈농장의 장·단점과 폐사두수에 미치는 영향

  • 남인식 (한경대학교 고품질친환경축산물생산기술연구센터)
  • Received : 2017.04.14
  • Accepted : 2017.05.10
  • Published : 2017.05.31


This study was conducted to compare the mortality number of swine between before and after HACCP implementation on swine farm. Also, we analyzed the reason for implementing HACCP system, advantage and disadvantage of HACCP system implemented swine farm. The study was carried out by randomly selected fifty swine farms located in all around Korea. The results were as follows: The mortality number of swine before HACCP system was found to be 288.30, 122.90, 91.08, 18.22, and 108.10 in respiratory, diarrhea, abortion (stillbirth), an accidental death and others, respectively. However, after HACCP implementation, it decreased, without significantly, to 261.60, 101.10, 85.91, 16.37, and 108.60, respectively. Therefore, Therefore, the total number of mortality pig decreased from 628.70 (before HACCP) to 573.60 (after HACCP). The enhancement of farm competitiveness (26.92%) and hygienic and safety pig production (23.43%) were ranked as the first and second proposes for implementing HACCP system on swine farm. The major advantage of implementing HACCP were improvement the farm sanitation management level (20.90%) and the major disadvantage was surveyed as HACCP records (23.10%). We are expecting that our results might be used for producing safer livestock products by improving livestock products HACCP policy.

본 연구는 양돈농장에 HACCP 제도 도입이 폐사두수에 미치는 영향과 HACCP 제도 적용 목적 및 장 단점을 분석하기 위한 목적으로 실시하였다. HACCP 제도 적용 전 후에 따른 돼지의 폐사두수 변화는 HACCP 제도 적용 전 호흡기와 설사로 인한 폐사두수가 각각 288.30두와 122.90두로 나타났으나 HACCP 적용 후에는 각각 261.60두와 101.10두로 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 유 사산, 사고사 및 기타 폐사두수는 HACCP 적용 전에 각각 91.08두, 18.22두, 108.10두로 나타났으나 HACCP 적용 후에는 85.91두, 16.37두, 108.60두로 조사되었다. 따라서 총 폐사두수는 HACCP 적용 전 628.70두에서 HACCP 적용 후 573.60두로 감소하였다. 양돈농장의 HACCP 적용 목적 중 1순위와 2순위는 각각 농장의 경쟁력 향상(26.92%)와 위생적이고 안전한 돼지생산(23.43%)인 것으로 나타났다. 또한 HACCP 적용에 따른 가장 큰 장점으로는 농장의 위생관리 수준 향상(20.90%)이었으며, 단점은 HACCP 기록(23.10%)으로 조사되었다.



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