도시철도 기관사조직의 안전리더십과 관련요인 간의 인과관계 구조분석

A Structural Analysis of Causality between Safety Leadership and Related Factors in the Metro Driver Organization

  • 투고 : 2017.10.20
  • 심사 : 2017.12.20
  • 발행 : 2017.12.31


This study highlights the theme of safety leadership in railway organization, conducting empirical analysis on the relationship between safety climates, safety leadership, safety behavior, and accident. The empirical test results based on questionnaires received from 223 train drivers working at A subway firm indicated that relationship between CEO's safety philosophy, and safety communication showed a significant positive effect on boss's safety leadership. And boss's safety leadership showed a positive influence on observation belonging to safety behavior, which in turn showed a significant negative relationship with mistake. However, mistake, observation and violation were shown that there are no relationship with accidents.



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