Gluten-Free 쌀빵, 시판 중인 쌀빵 및 밀빵의 품질과 소비자 검사 분석

Quality Analyses and Consumer Acceptability of Gluten-Free Rice Bread and Other Commercially Marketed Bread in Korea

  • 김상숙 (한국식품연구원 감각인지연구단) ;
  • 정혜영 (가천대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 투고 : 2017.02.23
  • 심사 : 2017.04.13
  • 발행 : 2017.04.30


The physical characteristics of gluten-free rice bread, commercial rice as well as wheat bread marketed in Korea were delineated, a sensory descriptive analysis performed, and a consumer acceptability study conducted. Both the specific gravity and color of gluten-free rice bread were higher than those of commercial rice and wheat bread. The sensory descriptive analysis revealed that the adhesiveness, fracturability, fermentation odor, and the powdery mouthfeel of gluten-free rice bread were higher than those of commercial rice and wheat bread. In contrast, the sweet odor, sweetness, egg taste, butter taste, and milk taste of gluten-free rice bread were lower than those of commercial rice and wheat bread. The consumer acceptability results revealed differences regarding odor, appearance, taste, texture, and overall acceptance between a blind test and an informed test of gluten-free rice bread, commercial rice, and wheat bread. The consumer acceptability findings were associated with those of the sensory descriptive analysis. In overall, the results indicated that the quality of gluten-free rice bread can be improved by controlling the decrease of adhesiveness, fracturability, and powdery mouthfeel.



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