변증논치(辨證論治)와 병증변치(病證辨治) 장단점의 비교고찰 - 고혈압과 두통의 예를 중심으로 -

Comparative Review of Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation from Disease - Emphasis on Hypertension and Headache -

  • Gi, Youjong (Sangji University, College of Korean Medicine) ;
  • Shin, Sunjoong (Sangji University, College of Korean Medicine) ;
  • Han, Wonyoung (Beijing University of Chinese Traditional Medicine) ;
  • Kim, Hyundo (National University of Health Sciences) ;
  • Han, Yoochang (Dodam Korean Medcine Clinic) ;
  • Lee, Sundong (Sangji University, College of Korean Medicine, Department of Preventive Korean Medicine)
  • 투고 : 2017.03.09
  • 심사 : 2017.04.06
  • 발행 : 2017.04.30


Objectives : Comparative review was rendered to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of two common treatment approaches of treatment based on syndrome differentiation and treatment based on syndrome differentiation from disease. A typical symptom of headache from hypertension was chosen for substantial approach of this review. Methods : Pros and cons of two different approaches to disease were evaluated based on literatures and texts focusing treatment based on syndrome differentiation and treatment based on syndrome differentiation from disease. Headache can be correlated with hypertension yet it can be induced by multiple other factors, and headache may/may not accompany hypertension. Hypertension is an example of treatment based on syndrome differentiation from disease and headache can be an example of treatment based on syndrome differentiation. Results : Treatment based on syndrome differentiation can give more autonomy and flexibility in approach to the disease, Intuition, experience, and traditional medical theory can be applied with ease. However, management and eradication of diseases are difficult and standardization of treatment is not easy among practitioners. Treatment based on syndrome differentiation from disease incorporated merits of both eastern and western medicines, achieving more evidence based diagnosis and treatment. Eradication and standardization of disorders are possible with the latter approach. Conclusions : Comparing two systems of treatment based on syndrome differentiation and treatment based on syndrome differentiation from disease with emphasis on hypertension and headache yielded medical values. Treatment based on syndrome differentiation from disease appears to be superior in medical values and effectiveness, but further evaluation and interest are needed to make advancement in Korean traditional medicine.



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