A Sudy on Mothers' and Grand Mothers' Picture Book Reading Behaviors with Young Children

영유아-어머니 및 영유아-할머니의 그림책 읽기 행동에 관한 연구

  • 권희경 (건국대학교 글로컬캠퍼스 유아교육과)
  • Received : 2017.03.07
  • Accepted : 2017.04.10
  • Published : 2017.04.30


Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the differences between mothers' and grand mothers' picture book reading behavior with children of ages 2 and 4. Methods: Participants were twenty 2 year olds and their mothers/grandmothers as well as twenty 4 year olds and their mothers/grandmothers. Forty pairs of children/mothers and children/grandmothers, respectively, were videotaped as they shared reading a picture book together. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, mean, standard deviation, and two-way ANOVA test. Results: Results indicated that mothers' and grandmothers' picture book reading behaviors were significantly different in verbal behavior. Mothers performed more explanation and questioning, while grandmothers performed more limitation, directing, and correcting. As far as non-verbal behavior is concerned, mothers used more physicalgestures, pointing, descriptive gestures, and imitative gestures, whereas grandmothers requested certain actions. Conclusion/Implications: These findings have implications for the importance of the mothers'/grandmothers' roles in shared picture book reading with the child.



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