The Prediction of Academic Achievement at 6th Grade from Perceived Academic Achievement at 4th Grade: Serial Multiple Mediation of Self-esteem and Self-control in Learning at 5th Grade

초등학교 아동이 지각한 6학년 학업성취에 대한 4학년 학업성취의 예측: 5학년 자아존중감 및 학습행동조절의 순차적 매개효과

  • 장영은 (중앙대학교 사회복지학부) ;
  • 성미영 (동덕여자대학교 아동학과)
  • Received : 2017.02.15
  • Accepted : 2017.04.09
  • Published : 2017.04.30


Objective: The current study aimed at examining the mediation effects of children's self-esteem and self-control in learning between perceived academic achievement at $4^{th}$ grade and $6^{th}$ grade. This article proposes that perceived academic achievement boosts self-esteem and self-control in learning and both in turn, influence subsequent perceived academic achievement. We especially attempted to empirically prove that a serial multiple mediation of self-esteem and self-control in learning between the perceived academic achievement at two time points exists. Methods: We analyzed the longitudinal data of 1,881 children from the $4^{th}$ to the $6^{th}$ wave data of the '2010 Korea Children and Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS)' by means of a Hayes's PROCESS(2012) program. Results: The results revealed that perceived academic achievement at $4^{th}$ grade influenced children's self-esteem and self-control in learning at $5^{th}$ grade. Children' self-esteem and self-control in learning subsequently predicted perceived academic achievement at $6^{th}$ grade. Children's self-esteem significantly predicted self-control in learning supporting the hypothesis of serial multiple mediation. Conclusion/Implications: In conclusion, children's self-esteem and self-control in learning behaviors both mediated the association between perceived academic achievement at $4^{th}$ grade and at $6^{th}$ grade. The findings imply the importance of consideration of both psychosocial and behavioral aspects in understanding the academic performance during childhood.



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