The Impact of Sales and Management Expenses on Firm Value

기업특성에 따른 판매관리비가 기업 가치에 미치는 영향

  • Received : 2017.02.08
  • Accepted : 2017.03.21
  • Published : 2017.03.31


The purpose of this study is to extract the characteristic cost through the time series analysis of each cost from 2003 to 2014, and to grasp the performance and relevance of the enterprise. Therefore, in this section, we analyzed the time-series analysis of selling, administrative, and non-operating expenses as described above. First, depreciation cost, advertising cost, transportation cost, research cost, current research cost, and ordinary development cost were extracted as the variables of interest to be verified in the empirical analysis. However, in the analysis of non-operating expenses, we could not extract the specific cost, but we could grasp the time-series flow of cost data before and after two epochs such as financial crisis and introduction of IFRS obligation. The results of this study show that sales management costs have a positive (+) effect on firm value. Empirical analysis confirms that management is trying to increase or decrease the cost This can be confirmed by the empirical results of this paper. At present, general enterprise accounting is done through ERP system. However, since the ERP system does not have an analysis system for each sales and management cost, the current system has difficulty in knowing the budget item for each cost each time the expenditure resolution for each cost item is made, It is a reality that the expenditure plan must be managed separately and it is inconvenient to keep it. However, if this practical difficulty is solved by the cost analysis system such as sales management cost, the present accounting information system will be further developed. Furthermore, the management will increase the profit item It is thought that coordination actions can also be prevented in advance.



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