'사건 A와 사건 B가 동시에 일어날 확률' 수업의 발문 분석

An Analysis of Questioning in an Instruction on the Probability that Event A and Event B Occur

  • 투고 : 2017.02.03
  • 심사 : 2017.03.22
  • 발행 : 2017.03.30


이 연구는 '사건 A와 사건 B가 동시에 일어날 확률' 수업에서 제기되는 '발문의 유형'과 '발문의 내용'을 분석하여 해당 내용을 적절하게 다루는 지도 방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 발문을 제기하는 교사의 의도에 따라 발문 유형을 분류한 Morgan & Saxton(2006)의 연구와 '사건 A와 사건 B가 동시에 일어날 확률' 지도에 대한 선행 연구를 검토하여 발문 분석을 위한 준거 4가지를 추출하였다. 이를 토대로 수업을 분석한 결과 발문과 관련하여 드러난 특징을 요약하였으며, 이를 토대로 '사건 A와 사건 B가 동시에 일어날 확률'에 대한 수업 개선과 관련된 시사점을 기술하였다.

This study analyzed characteristics of which a teacher asked questions in an instruction on the probability that event A and event B occur. The aim of this study based on the analysis was to deduce implications in terms of the various means which would enhance middle school students' understanding about the probability and assist teachers in designing instructions on the mathematics contents. To achieve this goal, this research firstly reviewed Morgan & Saxon(2006) which offers one classification of questioning that identifies a general intention for each category. Secondly, this study examined previous literature on teaching and learning the probability that event A and event B occur in order to identify didactical issues to teach the mathematics contents. Therefore, this study probed the questions of the instruction in the light of the framework descriptors from Morgan & Saxon(2006) and the issues to teach the probability that event A and event B occur. This research inspires the elaboration of what features have with regard to effective questioning in teaching mathematics through the analyzing process and additionally the elucidation of essential matters related to mathematics education on the basis of the analyzed results.



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