용성인비와 비교한 골분의 인산질 비료 효과

Relative Effectiveness of Bone Meal as a Phosphorus Fertilizer Compared with Fused Phosphate

  • 정종배 (대구대학교 생명환경대학 생명환경학부) ;
  • 정병룡 (대구대학교 생명환경대학 생명환경학부)
  • Chung, Jong-Bae (Division of Life and Environmental Science, College of Life and Environmental Science, Daegu University) ;
  • Jeong, Byeong-Ryong (Division of Life and Environmental Science, College of Life and Environmental Science, Daegu University)
  • 투고 : 2017.01.02
  • 심사 : 2017.01.19
  • 발행 : 2017.03.31


유기농업자재로 친환경농업에서 널리 사용되고 있는 골분의 적정 시비량을 추정하고자 포트시험으로 골분과 용성인비를 각각 150 및 300 mg $P_2O_5/kg$ 수준으로 처리한 토양에서 옥수수를 4-5주씩 3회 연속 재배하여 골분의 인산 비효를 용성인비와 비교하여 조사하였다. 포트당 옥수수 지상부 총 건물 중은 150 및 300 mg $P_2O_5/kg$ 처리에서 용성인비에 비해 골분 처리에서 각각 6% 및 3% 적었으며, 인산 흡수량 또한 골분 처리에서 7-9% 정도 적었다. 이러한 결과를 보면, 골분을 기존 작물별 표준시비량보다 대략 10% 정도 높여 시용하면 용성인비와 대등한 수준의 비효를 거둘 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 비료용 시판 골분에는 직경 1 mm 이상의 굵은 뼈 입자가 18% 이상 함유되어 있다는 점과 이러한 골분을 연용할 경우 잔류효과가 기대되는 점을 고려하여 포장시험을 통해 작물별 적정시비량이나 시용주기 등 보다 상세한 골분 시용방법을 정해야 할 것이다.

BACKGROUND: Bone meal is commonly used as a phosphorus (P) fertilizer in organic farming. Effectiveness of bone meal was compared with mineral P fertilizer to elucidate the optimum application rates of bone meal in crop production. METHODS AND RESULTS: The effects of bone meal and fused phosphate on plant growth and P uptake were determined in a pot experiment with maize (Zea mays L.) in a clay loam soil. Bone meal and fused phosphate were applied at 150 and 300 mg $P_2O_5/kg$ soil, and maize was grown for 3 consecutive growth periods of 4 to 5 weeks each. As compared with fused phosphate, total shoot growth of maize per pot was 3-6% lower in bone meal fertilization, and the difference was not significant in the application of 300 mg $P_2O_5/kg$. At the same P application rate, uptake of P by maize plants was 7-9% lower in bone meal treatment. The P use efficiency in bone meal treatments ranged from 11.9-13.6%, equivalent to 73-84% of the efficiency for fused phosphate treatments. CONCLUSION: The equivalence of immediate effectiveness of bone meal as a P fertilizer was at least 90% compared with fused phosphate in the pot experiment with maize. The results indicate that bone meal could be a reasonable alternative to chemical P fertilizers.



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