The Effects of Mothers' Parental Internal Attributions and Neuroticism on Self-Perception of the Parental Role

어머니의 양육행동 내적 귀인과 정서적 불안정성이 부모역할에 대한 자기평가에 미치는 영향

  • Lee, Eun Gyoung (Ewha Institute of Social Sciences, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Han, Sae-Young (Department of Child Development & Intervention, Ewha Womans University)
  • Received : 2016.10.31
  • Accepted : 2017.02.18
  • Published : 2017.02.28


Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the main and interaction effects of mothers' parental internal attributions and neuroticism on self-perception of the parental role. Methods: A total of 138 mothers with toddlers in Seoul and other big cities in Korea completed questionnaires, and data were analyzed by Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analyses. Results: The results were as follows: First, mothers who attributed their successful parenting to ability showed lower satisfaction, and mothers who attributed their successful parenting to ability and effort showed higher feelings of equilibrium. Mothers with higher levels of neuroticism showed higher competence, parental investment, and satisfaction in their self-perception of the parental role. Second, there were significant interaction effects between ability attribution and neuroticism on feelings of equilibrium, between effort attribution and neuroticism on feelings of equilibrium, between ability attribution and neuroticism on competence, and between effort attribution and neuroticism on parenting investment. Conclusion: The findings of this research indicate that neuroticism showed a positive effect on self-perception of the parental role because neuroticism indicates sensitivity in parenting. Further, the effects of neuroticism on self-perception of the parental role differed by mothers internal attribution.



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