Comparison between a 13-session and One-time Program on Korean Elementary, Middle and High School Students' Understanding of Nuclear Power

  • Han, Eun Ok (Department of Education & Research, Korea Academy of Nuclear Safety) ;
  • Choi, YoonSeok (Department of Education & Research, Korea Academy of Nuclear Safety) ;
  • Lim, YoungKhi (Department of Radiological Science, Gachon University)
  • 투고 : 2016.09.26
  • 심사 : 2017.01.16
  • 발행 : 2017.03.31


Background: To help future generations make accurate value judgments about nuclear power generation and radiation, this study will provide an effective education plan suitable for South Korea by applying and analyzing programs for the understanding of nuclear power within the diversely operated programs in the current Korean education system. Materials and Methods: This study analyzed the difference in educational effects by operating a 13-session regular curriculum for one semester and a one-session short-term curriculum from March to July 2016. Results and Discussion: As a result of operating a 13-session model school and a one-time educational program to analyze behavior changes against the traditional learning model, it was found that all elementary, middle and high school students showed higher acceptability of nuclear power in South Korea. The variation was greater for the model school than the short-term program. Conclusion: To prevent future generations from making biased policy decisions stemming from fear regarding nuclear power, it is necessary to bolster their value judgments in policy decisions by acquiring sufficient information about nuclear power generation and radiation through educational programs.



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