An Analysis of Characteristics and Pedagogic Models of Architectural Design Studio Tutors in Korea

국내대학 건축설계교수의 특성 및 교수법 모델 분석

  • Ku, Bon-Deok (School of Architecture, Yeungnam University)
  • Received : 2017.02.05
  • Accepted : 2017.03.21
  • Published : 2017.03.30


This paper is a succeeding research of previous paper, "A Study on the Models of Architectural Design Pedagogy and Design Studio". There were 12 design pedagogy models in previous research; ${\cdot}$synectics model ${\cdot}$typology model ${\cdot}$pattern-form model ${\cdot}$space-composition model ${\cdot}$conjecture-test model ${\cdot}$analysis-synthesis model ${\cdot}$behavioral model ${\cdot}$socio-context model ${\cdot}$constructivist model ${\cdot}$sustainable design model ${\cdot}$tectonic model ${\cdot}$digital fabric model. This research was progressed through the questionnaire survey on 108 professors who are teaching an architectural design in 52 Korean universities. And the questionnaire was made on the foundation of previous research results. The main items of questionnaire are; ${\cdot}$age, educational background, working university ${\cdot}$ teaching mode and directions in design studio ${\cdot}$aim of creativity ${\cdot}$pedagogy models in use ${\cdot}$opinion on ideal pedagogy model, etc. Results of survey are as follows; (1) Most preferred pedagogy models are; 1)space-composition model(18.3%), 2)analysis-synthesis model(16.3%), 3)socio-context model(12.4%), 4)typology model(10.1%). (2) From the viewpoint of teaching mode, 5 types of design studio tutors could be extracted; 1)Type A(Concept -Intuition Oriented type), 2)Type B(Concept -Rationality mixed type), 3)Type C(Space -Form Composition type), 4)Type D(Eclectic type), 5)Type E(Practice -Function -Context Oriented type).



Supported by : 한국연구재단


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