Strengthening Authentication Through Content Centric Networking

  • Kim, Sung-Jin (Dept. of IT Policy and Management, Soongsil University Graduate School) ;
  • Park, Jae-Kyung (Dept. of Information Security, SeoulGangseoCampus, Korea Polytechnics)
  • Received : 2017.03.13
  • Accepted : 2017.04.04
  • Published : 2017.04.28


While the internet has evolved in terms of information sharing and efficiency, it is still prone to security attacks and remains vulnerable even when equipped with a security mechanism. Repeated patching against hacks involves excessive wear of system equipment and high costs. Methods of improving network security include the introduction of security equipment and network partitions, but they have not been fully effective. A fundamental solution is the Operation Content Network (OCN), which enables the strengthening of authentication. In this paper, Instead of following the existing TCP/IP system, OCN establishes an immunity-based security system through content-centric communications. Data transmission occurs over a Content Centric Network (CCN), which is provided with a protocol verified by the CCNx group. Areas protected by OCN rely only on CCN for communication without using any IP. As such, it defends the system against unknown attacks, including zero-day attacks.



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