The Key Issues of Lone Star Investment Treaty Arbitration and the Korean Government Strategy

론스타의 투자조약중재 제기 쟁점과 한국 정부의 전략적 대응방안

  • 오현석 (대한상사중재원 기획관리본부, 고려대학교) ;
  • 김성룡 (경북대학교 경상대학 경제통상학부)
  • Received : 2017.08.09
  • Accepted : 2017.11.17
  • Published : 2017.12.01


The purpose of this paper is to take a countermeasure of the investment treaty arbitration that Lone Star claimed to the Korean government. In particular, this study suggests procedural measures to be prepared by the Korean government after the arbitration award. The actual remedy in ICSID arbitration is the annulment procedure of arbitration award. Therefore, this study analyzed the measures that the Korean government can prepare based on the annulment grounds: the inadequacy of the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, the excessive power of the arbitrator, the corruption of the arbitrator, and the serious violation of the rules. First, the Korean government should decide whether to proceed with the annulment procedure after the arbitration award. Second, if they decide to do it, they should review the grounds of annulment. For example, it is possible to analyze whether the relationship between the arbitrator and Lone Star can be properly in the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, whether Lone Star is eligible to apply for ICSID arbitration, or whether arbitration tribunal ignores the crucial evidence that can affect the arbitration award. Independently, the Korean government needs to discuss the investment arbitration appeal system in a long-term perspective.



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