An 11-year-old, castrated Maltese dog presented with a 3-week history of periocular swelling, epiphora, and intermittent strabismus. On examination, a foreign body was observed in the anterior chamber, along with orbital cellulitis. Severe gingivitis and plaque accumulation were also diagnosed. The foreign body was surgically removed, and dental prophylaxis and dental extraction were performed. The foreign body entrance could not be found intraoperatively, and the foreign body, later identified as a feather, was removed through a clear corneal incision. The right maxillary molar, which had periodontal inflammation, was also extracted. One day postoperatively, severe hypopyon developed, although the periocular swelling was reduced. These signs persisted despite topical and systemic antibiotic and anti-inflammatory therapy; therefore, the right eye was enucleated 1 week later. Intraoperatively, a fistula was found connecting the orbital medial wall, right maxillary molar root, and sclera. The fistula entered the dorsomedial sclera approximately 7 mm behind the limbus. Enterobacteria were cultured from the area. Foreign bodies can enter the anterior chamber not only through the cornea, but also through the mouth. Therefore, when the entry point cannot be found in the cornea, a careful dental examination is required, and the foreign body must be removed through the sclera rather than the cornea.