A Comparison of Viewpoints on the Science Lesson between Pre-service Teachers and Experienced Teachers

예비교사와 경력교사의 과학 수업 관점 비교

  • Received : 2017.02.07
  • Accepted : 2017.02.21
  • Published : 2017.02.28


The competence of teachers, comes out through their lesson, is one of the key factors of school education. The purpose of this study is comparing the viewpoints on the science lessons in the elementary classrooms between pre-service teachers and highly experienced teachers in order to draw implications on pre-service teacher educating system. The participants of the study are 14 junior students in a university of education and 9 elementary school teachers who are highly educated and have much career experience. Each student participant observed one video clip with science lesson of their classmate. The total number of the video subject to observation is 4. Meanwhile experienced teachers observed 1 or 2 videos which are the same to those the students watched. The participants made a class criticism according to the General Standards for Class Critique made by KICE. The in-depth analysis of the criticism yielded the following conclusions; First, pre-service teachers had narrow views on the science class mainly limited in the practical part of class, but experienced teachers had wide views covered to class-knowledge, plan, and practice. Second, most experienced teachers thought that learning is the process by which students acquire knowledge or concepts by themselves, and the main purpose of the class is to help students' learning. Meanwhile, there were many pre-service teachers who thought that conveying knowledge or concepts to students was the main purpose of the class. Third, experienced teachers thought that a good science class should maintain consistency around the learning goals from the planning, implementation, and evaluation. However, many pre-service teachers did not take the learning objectives so seriously.



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  1. 초등학교 예비교사들의 과학 수업 이미지에 나타난 상호작용 분석 vol.43, pp.3, 2019,