인지적 요소가 포함된 과제 수행 시 젊은 성인과 노인의 동작 조절 비교

Comparison of Cognitive Task-Directed Motor Control Ability in Younger and Older Subjects

  • 이수아 (대전대학교 대학원 물리치료학과) ;
  • 최종덕 (대전대학교 보건의료과학대학 물리치료학과)
  • Lee, Soo-A (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Graduate School, Daejeon University) ;
  • Choi, Jong-Duk (Dept. of Physical Therapy, College of Health & Medical Science, Daejeon University)
  • 투고 : 2016.10.05
  • 심사 : 2016.12.01
  • 발행 : 2017.02.28


PURPOSE: This study compared cognitive task-directed functional motor control ability for reaching and kicking movements in younger and older adults. METHODS: Subjects were divided into two groups of younger and older adults, with 13 subjects in each group. Subjects were required to perform a dual task combining a functional movement and cognitive component. The task consisted of reaching and kicking movements. Participants performed indicated movements when a target appeared on a monitor. The target randomly appeared on the monitor every 10 seconds. The total performance time (TPT), joint angular velocity (JAV), and muscle activation time were used to evaluate motor control ability. RESULTS: There were significant differences in all evaluation factors in a comparison of younger and older adults (p<.05). TPT was significantly shorter in older adults, and JAV and muscle activation time were significantly slower than that in the younger adult group. Although the results for older adults were within the normal range for functional assessment, their motor control abilities were significantly worse for cognitive tasks compared with those of younger adults. CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicated that a motor control assessment tool using a cognitive task would be helpful in assessment of motor control ability in healthy older adults.



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