The purpose of study developing Development evaluation methods of light environment for indoor of middle school based on 'Biophilia'. This study is mainly based on literary review and survey research. To construct structural questionnaire based on 'Light and Space' of Biophilic Design for well being lighting environmental evaluation. We construct structural questionnaire that have 10 evaluation factors and 60 detail evaluation items to evaluate lighting environment for indoor of middle school based on biophilia theory. To survey students' subjective evaluation, the participant of study has been selected with the total number of 232 middle school students. The data were analyzed using Multiple Regression Analysis by IBM SPSS statistics 21. The result of pearson correlation analysis between satisfaction of indoor light environment and school life satisfaction, satisfaction of the whole indoor light environment was found showing positive relationship with school life satisfaction. The results of light environmental evaluation were factor 3,6,8,9 was lower than others. This study was designed to suggesting an evaluation method of light environment of the school. Biophilia theory said when 10 evaluation factor are in harmony, light environment can be well-being. So, factor 3,6,8,9 that are important elements to increase the satisfaction of lighting environment are consider carefully for the plan of indoor lighting environment.