EURONCAP 신 상부다리 평가 시험방법의 실험적 고찰

An Experimental Study on New EURONCAP Upper Leg Test Assessment

  • 이영진 (교통안전공단 자동차안전연구원 첨단안전평가실) ;
  • 박진섭 (교통안전공단 자동차안전연구원 첨단안전평가실) ;
  • 김시우 (교통안전공단 자동차안전연구원 첨단안전평가실) ;
  • 강병도 (교통안전공단 자동차안전연구원 첨단안전평가실) ;
  • 용부중 (경일대학교 기계공학과)
  • Lee, Youngjin (Advanced Vehicle Safety Research Office, Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute) ;
  • Park, Jinseop (Advanced Vehicle Safety Research Office, Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute) ;
  • Kim, Siwoo (Advanced Vehicle Safety Research Office, Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute) ;
  • Kang, Byungdo (Advanced Vehicle Safety Research Office, Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute) ;
  • Yong, Boojoong (School of Mechanical, Kyungil University)
  • 투고 : 2016.06.10
  • 심사 : 2016.10.18
  • 발행 : 2017.01.01


In 2014, there were approximately 4,762 fatalities on Korean roads. The fatality rate has decreased by 6.5 %, as compared to that of the previous year. The pedestrian-vehicle fatalities (1,795) have also decreased by 6 % over the previous year. However, the percentage of the pedestrian fatalities has increased from 37.9 % to 38.7 % during the same period. This is why further research is required, even though the KNCAP pedestrian safety assessment and KMVSS for pedestrian protection currently exist. This paper studied the Upper Legform to Bonnet Leading Edge Test at the front of the vehicles, which has not been introduced yet in Korea. The test method and procedure of the new BLE test in the Euro NCAP test protocol have been reviewed, and the physical tests on SUV and sedan with different bonnet leading edge heights have also been conducted and reviewed. In addition, the test results and characteristics have been analyzed via comparison with the former BLE test and each vehicle type.



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  9. Y. J. Lee, J. S. Park, S. W. Kim, B. D. Kang and B. J. Yong, "An Experiment Study on New EVRONCAP Upper Leg Test Assessment," KSAE Spring Conference Proceedings, p.756, 2016.