Effect of Proof Test of Protective System on Securing Safety of Off-site Risk Assessment

보호시스템 보증시험 적용이 장외영향평가 안전성 확보에 미치는 영향

  • Kim, Min-Su (Division of Accident Prevention and Assessment, National Institute of Chemical Safety, Ministry of Environment) ;
  • Kim, Jae-Young (Division of Accident Prevention and Assessment, National Institute of Chemical Safety, Ministry of Environment) ;
  • Lee, Eun-Byeol (Division of Accident Prevention and Assessment, National Institute of Chemical Safety, Ministry of Environment) ;
  • Yoon, Junheon (Division of Accident Prevention and Assessment, National Institute of Chemical Safety, Ministry of Environment) ;
  • Park, Jai Hak (Department of Safety Engineering, Chungbuk National University)
  • 김민수 (환경부 화학물질안전원 사고예방심사과) ;
  • 김재영 (환경부 화학물질안전원 사고예방심사과) ;
  • 이은별 (환경부 화학물질안전원 사고예방심사과) ;
  • 윤준헌 (환경부 화학물질안전원 사고예방심사과) ;
  • 박재학 (충북대학교 안전공학과)
  • Received : 2017.08.31
  • Accepted : 2017.11.16
  • Published : 2017.12.31


The risk is expressed as consequence of damage multiplied by likelihood of failure. The installation of a protective system reduces the risk by reducing the likelihood of failure at the facility. Also, the protective system has different effects on the likelihood of failure according to the proof test cycle. However, when assessing risks in the Off-site Risk Assessment (ORA) system, the variation in risk was not reflected according to the proof test cycle of protective system. This study was conducted to examine the need for proof test and the importance of cycle setting by applying periodic proof test of the protective system to ORA. The results showed that the likelihood of failure and the risk increased with longer proof test cycle. The risk of a two-yearly proof test was eight times greater than that of a three-month cycle. From the results, the protective system needs periodic proof test. Untested protective system for a long term cannot be reliable because it is more likely to be failed state when it is called upon to operate. In order to reduce the risk to an acceptable level, it is effective to differently set the proof test cycle according to the priority. This study suggested a more systematic and accurate risk analysis standard than ORA. This standard is expected to enable an acceptable level of risk management by systematically setting the priority and proof test cycle of the protective system. It is also expected to contribute to securing the safety of chemical facilities and at the same time, will lead to the development of the ORA system.



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