Comparisons and analysis on the prototype EU-DEMO TF CICC with Nb3Sn cable

  • 투고 : 2017.11.09
  • 심사 : 2017.12.13
  • 발행 : 2017.12.31


European R&D on designing their version of a DEMO fusion tokamak has recently resulted in the testing of a prototype $Nb_3Sn$ Cable-in-Conduit Conductor (CICC) for the DEMO TF coil. The characteristics and reported results of low temperature performance tests with the prototype CICC sample are compared with those from CICC samples incorporating other recent $Nb_3Sn$ cable designs. The EU-DEMO TF CICC prototype shows performance characteristics similar to that of the ITER CS CICC with short twist pitch. This is a first for a CICC sample that does not have a circular cross section. Assessment of its internal magnetostatic self-field suggests that a reduction in the internal self-field due to the rectangular geometry of the EU-DEMO TF CICC prototype compared to one with a circular geometry may have contributed to the performance characteristics showing current sharing temperature ($T_{cs}$) initially increase then stabilize with repeated electromagnetic loading, similarly to ITER CS CICC results. However, constraints on the internal self-field are not a sufficient condition for this $T_{cs}$ characteristic to occur.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Examination of design parameters affecting Nb3Sn CICC current sharing temperature using necessary condition analysis vol.34, pp.8, 2017,