Study of Anti-oxidant Analysis to Vegetable Juice Containing Barley Sprouts

보리새싹 함유 녹즙의 항산화력 분석에 관한 연구

  • Yoo, In-Sik (Department of Food Science and Technology, Korea National University of Transportation) ;
  • Baek, Cheong-Mok (Department of Food Science and Technology, Korea National University of Transportation) ;
  • Joung, Mi-Yeun (cham sun jin green juice) ;
  • Kwon, Sang-Chul (Department of Food Science and Technology, Korea National University of Transportation)
  • 유인식 (한국교통대학교 식품공학과) ;
  • 백청목 (한국교통대학교 식품공학과) ;
  • 정미연 (참선진녹즙) ;
  • 권상철 (한국교통대학교 식품공학과)
  • Received : 2017.09.06
  • Accepted : 2017.12.08
  • Published : 2017.12.31


This study was conducted to analyze the anti-oxidant activity of green juice containing barley sprouts. The specimens used in the experiments were supplied byCSJ company located in Jincheon-gun, Chungbuk province. Polyphenol and flavonoid was detected in Huttuynia cordata Thunb fermentation sprout juiceat $1.075{\pm}0.174mg/mL$ and $2.736{\pm}0.187\;quercetin\;mg/mL$, in organic dandelion at $1.048{\pm}0.173mg/mL$ and $2.685{\pm}0.245\;quercetin\;mg/mL$, kan andRakat $1.013{\pm}0.083mg/mL$ and $3.624{\pm}0.237\;quercetin\;mg/mL$, broccoli blending juice at $1.494{\pm}0.255mg/mL$ and $3.826{\pm}0.286\;quercetin\;mg/mL$, and barley sprouts at $1.043{\pm}0.220mg/mL$ and $1.990{\pm}0.223\;quercetin\;mg/mL$, respectively.Antioxidant activity testing revealed the electron donating ability of Huttuynia cordata Thunb fermentation sprout juice for DPPH was 81.97%. Moreover, the free radical scavenging ability measured by ABTS assay showed that the activity was increased in the order of broccoli blending juice, Huttuynia cordata Thunb fermentation sprout juice, organic dandelion, 'kan andRak', barley sprout, and thatthe effects were similar to those of ascorbic acid at $100{\mu}g/mL$. Statistical processing is using SPSS 24, analysis of distributed layout and Duncan's multiple range (p<0.05). Therefore, the use of functional assistance material of products in the future indicates that it is worth a healthy functional drink.

본 연구는 보리새싹 함유 녹즙의 항산화력 분석을 위한 목적으로 수행 하였다. 실험에 사용 된 시료는 충북 진천군 소재의 CSJ 회사로 부터 공급 받아서 실험에 사용하였다. Polyphenol, Flavonoid 함량 분석결과 어성초발효새싹녹즙은 $1.075{\pm}0.174mg/mL$, $2.736{\pm}0.187\;quercetin\;mg/mL$, 유기민들레는 $1.048{\pm}0.173mg/mL$, $2.685{\pm}0.245\;quercetin\;mg/mL$, 칸앤락 $1.013{\pm}0.083\;mg/mL$, $3.624{\pm}0.237\;quercetin\;mg/mL$, 브로콜리혼합즙은 $1.494{\pm}0.255mg/mL$, $3.826{\pm}0.286\;quercetin\;mg/mL$, 보리새싹은 $1.043{\pm}0.220mg/mL$, $1.990{\pm}0.223\;quercetin\;mg/mL$의 폴리페놀과 플라보노이드 함량이 검출되었다. 항산화능 실험결과 DPPH에 대한 어성초발효새싹녹즙 전자공여능은 81.97%로 나타났으며, ABTS assay 방법에 의한 free radical 소거능을 측정한 결과 브로콜리혼합즙, 어성초발효새싹녹즙, 유기민들레, 칸앤락, 보리새싹 순으로 활성이 증가하는 것으로 나타났으나 Ascorbic acid $100{\mu}g/mL$와 비교할 때 그 효과가 비슷한 수준으로 나타났다. 통계처리는 SPSS24을 이용하여 일원배치분산분석(one-way ANOVA)을 실시하였으며, Duncan's multiple range test를 실시하였다.(p<0.05) 향후 제품들의 기능성 부재료로 사용하여 제품화하면 건강기능성 음료로서의 가치가 있음을 나타내었다.



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