Calculation of Detector Positions for a Source Localizing Radiation Portal Monitor System Using a Modified Iterative Genetic Algorithm

  • Jeon, Byoungil (Neutron Science Research Center, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Kim, Jongyul (Neutron Science Research Center, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Lim, Kiseo (Department of Physics, Myongji University) ;
  • Choi, Younghyun (Neutron Science Research Center, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Moon, Myungkook (Neutron Science Research Center, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
  • 투고 : 2017.08.22
  • 심사 : 2017.10.16
  • 발행 : 2017.12.31


Background: This study aims to calculate detector positions as a design of a radioactive source localizing radiation portal monitor (RPM) system using an improved genetic algorithm. Materials and Methods: To calculate of detector positions for a source localizing RPM system optimization problem is defined. To solve the problem, a modified iterative genetic algorithm (MIGA) is developed. In general, a genetic algorithm (GA) finds a globally optimal solution with a high probability, but it is not perfect at all times. To increase the probability to find globally optimal solution rather, a MIGA is designed by supplementing the iteration, competition, and verification with GA. For an optimization problem that is defined to find detector positions that maximizes differences of detector signals, a localization method is derived by modifying the inverse radiation transport model, and realistic parameter information is suggested. Results and Discussion: To compare the MIGA and GA, both algorithms are implemented in a MATLAB environment. The performance of the GA and MIGA and that of the procedures supplemented in the MIGA are analyzed by computer simulations. The results show that the iteration, competition, and verification procedures help to search for globally optimal solutions. Further, the MIGA is more robust against falling into local minima and finds a more reliably optimal result than the GA. Conclusion: The positions of the detectors on an RPM for radioactive source localization are optimized using the MIGA. To increase the contrast of the measurements from each detector, a relationship between the source and the detectors is derived by modifying the inverse transport model. Realistic parameters are utilized for accurate simulations. Furthermore, the MIGA is developed to achieve a reliable solution. By utilizing results of this study, an RPM for radioactive source localization has been designed and will be fabricated soon.



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