진주담치(Mytilus edulis) 추출물의 제조 및 품질특성

Evaluating Cultured Sea Mussels Mytilus edulis Extractions Methods and Extract Quality Characteristics

  • 김선근 (경상대학교 해양식품생명의학과) ;
  • 조준현 (경상대학교 해양식품생명의학과) ;
  • 황영숙 (통영조리직업전문학교) ;
  • 이인석 (경상대학교 해양식품생명의학과) ;
  • 오광수 (경상대학교 해양식품생명의학과/농업생명과학연구원)
  • Kim, Seon-Geun (Department of Seafood and Aquaculture Science, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Cho, Jun-Hyun (Department of Seafood and Aquaculture Science, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Hwang, Young-Sook (Tongyeong Cooking Vocational Training Institute) ;
  • Lee, In-Seok (Department of Seafood and Aquaculture Science, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Oh, Kwang-Soo (Department of Seafood and Aquaculture Science/Institute of Agriculture and Life Science, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 투고 : 2017.10.31
  • 심사 : 2017.12.01
  • 발행 : 2017.12.31


Extraction methods for cultured sea mussels Mytilus edulis and the quality characteristics of resulting extracts were investigated. The crude protein, carbohydrate and volatile basic nitrogen content of raw sea mussels was 15.2%, 1.9%, and 11.2 mg/100 g, respectively. Extracts were prepared using three different methods: hot-water extract (WE), scrap enzymatic hydrolysate extraction (SE), and complex extraction (CE). The respective extracts contained 5.5%, 8.6%, and 6.6% crude protein; 281.7, 366.0, and 343.0 mg/100 g amino nitrogen,: and 2.0%, 1.1% and 1.8% salinity. Their extraction yields were 689, 323, and 1,012 mL/kg. The CE method was superior to the traditional WE method in terms of extraction yield, amino-nitrogen content, and organoleptic qualities, but not odor. Active taste components were evaluated and the total free amino acid content of the WE and CE methods was 5,667.0 and 7,006.3 mg/100 g, respectively. The concentrations of major components (for WE and CE methods, respectively) were as follows: glutamic acid (1,244.0 and 955.4 mg/100 g), taurine (987.9 and 746.8 mg/100 g), glycine (721.2 and 847.0 mg/100 g), alanine (341.9 and 423.8 mg/100 g), arginine (265.5 and 376.5 mg/100 g), lysine (199.8 and 270.4 mg/100 g), and proline (253.9 and 220.3 mg/100 g). In conclusion, these results demonstrate that there is potential for using the CE method to expand the commercial utilization of sea mussels as a flavoring substance resource.



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