A Study on Service Encounter Quality: Interpersonal Service vs. Self-Service Technology in the Fashion Retail Stores

  • Kim, Eun Young (Dept. of Fashion Design Information, Chungbuk National University)
  • 투고 : 2017.11.16
  • 심사 : 2017.12.20
  • 발행 : 2017.12.30


This study was to identify underlying dimensions of service encounter quality, to test difference in service encounter quality between interpersonal service(IPS) and self-service technology(SST) and to predict service effectiveness and behavioral intentions in the fashion retail context. A field experimental study was designed for collecting data. Repeat sampling frames were involved in two types of service encounters: interpersonal service and self-service technology within the store environment. Thirty participants served as subjects. Sample represents more females than males, and age was ranged from 20 to 33 years old (Mean=24.2). The result suggested that service encounter quality consisted of competence, dedication, and listening. There was a significant mean difference on listening factor of service encounter quality between IPS and SST. For the interpersonal service, dedication and listening had significant effects on service effectiveness. For the self-service technology, competence and listening had significant effects on service effectiveness. In the IPS condition, the service effectiveness significantly affected the revisit intention, whereas it was not significantly related to the revisit intention in the SST condition. This study discussed managerial implications for fashion retailers seeking to effectively manage service quality by specifying interpersonal service versus self-service technology in the retail environments.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Self-service technologies (SSTs) streamlining consumer experience in the fashion retail stores: The role of perceived interactivity vol.9, pp.4, 2017,