Environmental IoT-Enabled Multimodal Mashup Service for Smart Forest Fires Monitoring

  • Elmisery, Ahmed M. (Department of Electronics Engineering, Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria) ;
  • Sertovic, Mirela (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)
  • Received : 2017.09.16
  • Accepted : 2017.12.01
  • Published : 2017.12.31


Internet of things (IoT) is a new paradigm for collecting, processing and analyzing various contents in order to detect anomalies and to monitor particular patterns in a specific environment. The collected data can be used to discover new patterns and to offer new insights. IoT-enabled data mashup is a new technology to combine various types of information from multiple sources into a single web service. Mashup services create a new horizon for different applications. Environmental monitoring is a serious tool for the state and private organizations, which are located in regions with environmental hazards and seek to gain insights to detect hazards and locate them clearly. These organizations may utilize IoT - enabled data mashup service to merge different types of datasets from different IoT sensor networks in order to leverage their data analytics performance and the accuracy of the predictions. This paper presents an IoT - enabled data mashup service, where the multimedia data is collected from the various IoT platforms, then fed into an environmental cognition service which executes different image processing techniques such as noise removal, segmentation, and feature extraction, in order to detect interesting patterns in hazardous areas. The noise present in the captured images is eliminated with the help of a noise removal and background subtraction processes. Markov based approach was utilized to segment the possible regions of interest. The viable features within each region were extracted using a multiresolution wavelet transform, then fed into a discriminative classifier to extract various patterns. Experimental results have shown an accurate detection performance and adequate processing time for the proposed approach. We also provide a data mashup scenario for an IoT-enabled environmental hazard detection service and experimentation results.



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