대학생의 SNS 중독경향성과 학습태도에 관한 탐색연구

An Exploratory Study on Undergraduates' SNS Addiction Tendencies and Learning Attitudes

  • 백유미 (중부대학교 원격대학원 교육상담심리학과)
  • 투고 : 2017.10.24
  • 심사 : 2017.12.11
  • 발행 : 2017.12.30


The purpose of this study is to analyze the trend line through scatter diagram analysis on correlation between SNS addiction tendencies and learning attitudes, figure out the knee point influencing learning attitudes negatively in detail, and examine influence among subareas. To address the goal, study questions are formulated as follows. First, this author did screening on the data of variables measured and analyzed descriptive statistics. Second, this researcher produced the trend line by drawing a scatter diagram in order to analyze correlation between SNS addiction tendencies, withdrawal symptoms, excessive communication, and excessive time wasting, and learning attitudes exploratorily. Third, to explore correlation between self-evaluation, learning participation, and developmental attitudes, the subfactors of learning attitudes related to SNS addiction tendencies, this author drew a scatter diagram and analyzed the threshold of positive and negative correlation. To verify the study questions, the SNS addiction tendency scale and learning attitude scale were applied to 301 university students in Chungcheong area. According to the study results, first, their learning attitudes are influenced by SNS addiction tendencies, excessive communication and excessive time wasting, and they are not influenced by withdrawal symptoms that much. Second, excessive communication, a factor of SNS addiction tendencies, and self-evaluation and developmental attitudes, factors of learning attitudes, show positive correlation to some extent and indicate negative correlation after the threshold. However, excessive communication and learning participation are found to show no correlation. Third, according to the results of examining correlation with learning attitudes by dividing them into excessive communication and excessive time wasting groups with the knee point of 1.40, as the symptom of excessive communication is found more, it influences self-evaluation, learning participation, developmental attitudes, and learning attitudes more negatively in general. The result of this study is expected to provide foundational material necessary to develop educational programs to prevent undergraduates' excessive SNS use and SNS addiction which can be used in the scenes of counseling or education.



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피인용 문헌

  1. 모바일 서비스에서 확장된 기술수용모형을 활용한 유·무료의 조절효과 분석 vol.14, pp.4, 2017,