A Research on Development of Bills of Material Using Web Grid for Product Lifecycle Management

  • Yoo, Ji-Hyun (Dept. of Internet Communication, Jangan University)
  • Received : 2017.11.13
  • Accepted : 2017.12.11
  • Published : 2017.12.29


PLM(Product Lifecycle Management) is an information management system that can integrate data, processes, business systems and human resources throughout the enterprise. BOM(Bills Of Material) is key data for designing, purchasing materials, manufacturing planning and management, which is basic for product development throughout the product life cycle. In this paper, we propose the efficient system to increase the data loading speed and the processing speed when using such large BOM data. We present the performance and usability of IMDG (In Memory Data Grid) for data processing when loading large amounts of data. In the UI, using the pure web grid of JavaScript instead of the existing data loading method can be improve performance of data managing.



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