Two new Phyllopodopsyllus (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from Korean marine interstitial

  • Received : 2017.10.27
  • Accepted : 2017.11.13
  • Published : 2017.12.28


The genus Phyllopodopsyllus T. Scott, 1906 is nearly cosmopolitan and contains around 60 valid species, but has not been previously recorded in Korea. One of the reasons is probably the paucity of research in marginal habitats, such as marine interstitial. I describe two new species here. Numerous specimens of both sexes of P. kitazimai sp. nov. were collected from a beach near Yeongdeok, while only two females of P. busanensis sp. nov. were collected from a beach near Busan. The new species differ in numerous macro-morphological characters, such as the segmentation and armature of the antennula, armature of the mandibula, maxillula, maxilliped, and the first three swimming legs, as well as the shape of the caudal rami and the female genital field. However, they show very little difference in the number and position of cuticular organs (pores and sensilla) on all somites, which might prove these rarely used micro-characters to be useful in the reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships in this group of harpacticoids. Both species have their closest relatives in Japan. Phyllopodopsyllus kitazimai is morphologically most similar to P. punctatus Kitazima, 1981, but can be distinguished by much longer third exopodal segments of the third and fourth swimming legs. Phyllopodopsyllus busanensis shares the largest number of morphological similarities with P. setouchiensis Kitazima, 1981, but can be distinguished by shorter caudal rami. A key to species is also provided.



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