LTE 네트워크에서의 IoT 장치를 위한 향상된 보안 거래

Enhanced Secure Transaction Protocol for IoT Devices via LTE Network

  • 투고 : 2017.11.10
  • 심사 : 2017.11.26
  • 발행 : 2017.12.01


Internet of Thing (IoT) and NFC (Near Field Communication) have got a good adaptable structure that it can be easily combined with any wireless network. Since IoT/NFC can be used to communicate wirelessly with all the transactions that can be done remotely without any physical connections. In this paper, we propose an enhanced secure IoT/NFC protocol based on LTE network that enhances the original security level provided by the LTE. Our approach is new in a sense that it covers LTE in contrast to old networks like GSM and 3G, which substantially treated in the literature. Moreover, both GSM and 3G have several drawbacks when they are combined with the NFC technology, which has potential weakness in confidentiality, integrity, and authentication. Hence our new approach will resolve the security of the new LTE system. We expect that our protocol will result in new secure applications for the smart phone markets.



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